What the Frack is Rod Talking About?
There is no fracking in Florida. None. ZERO. But career politician Rod Smith is lying about fracking over and over to hide is own shameful environmental record.
Ranked 39 out of 40 Senators on the Environment
Four ‘F’ Grades from the League of Conservation Voters
Diverted $100 million away from environmental Protections
Even protested by Sierra club members
It’s no wonder the Orlando Sentinel called Rod “A Fiasco” for the environment.
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes
Career Politician Rod Smith sponsored the largest tax increase in Florida history. He voted for:
Tax on Babysitting
Tax on Haircuts
Tax on Laundry
Even Tax on Tax Preparation
On top of Rod Smith's $51,000 Politician's Pension, he wants more. To get it, he'll even tax you for paying your taxes.
More taxes for us. Bigger payoff for him.
It Pays to be a Career Politician
Career Politician Rod Smith voted to increase his own salary - several times. On top of his six-digit salary for filing lawsuits, he takes another $51,000 taxpayer-funded Politician's Pension.
That's $3,000 more than the average salary of a Florida schoolteacher.
And it's $12,000 more than a deployed staff seargant with combat pay.
It sure pays to be Career Politician Rod Smith.
The Definition of a Career Politician
- 1992: Rod Smith ran for State Attorney.
- 2000: Then, he ran for State Senate
- 2002: Then, he ran for State Senate Again.
- 2006: Then, he ran for Governor.
- 2010: Then, he ran for Lieutenant Governor.
- 2010: Then, he ran for Florida Democratic Party Boss.
- 2016: Now he's running for State Senate... yet again.
24 years and still counting... a career politician.
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